1 The Art of My Neighbour Totoro by Unknown

1 The Art of My Neighbour Totoro by Unknown

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(Ant Direction] Kazuo Oga was bom in 1952 in Akita Prefecture. He was hired by Shichiro Kobayashi's Kobayashi's Pro in 1972. drawing backgrounds and supervising art direction for animation including Tomorrow's Joe 2, Unico He worked as the art director's assistant for films such as Cobra, armageddon, and The Dagger of Kamui. He was the art director of the films Barefoot Gen, Fantastical t City, and The Time Travelers 166 color design supervisor is responsible for all the colors except background colors. Simultancous supervision of two films must be difficult, but both directors adamantly insisted on her—a clear indication of their respect for her work “I do ‘color designs according to the director's orders’ {Jaughs]. I create colors to add life to the drawings and to communicate the director's intentions as much as possible, “The work is difficult because Miyazaki is very clear and particular about what he wants. What | really find impressive is how, like when I'm assigning colors to natural objects such as water, he provides material that's tailor made to the right color designs. The color assignment itself may be off (daughs}, but his drawings allow me to make the right color composition. “T'm always struck by how positive I feel when 1 color Miyazaki’s drawings. | realize how well the image is composed. Because he’s enormously talented as an illustrator, he really takes those elements into account, which is quite extraordinary. “Without comparing the two directors too much, I might also add that Takahata, the director of Grave of the Fireflies, is also very thorough in incorporating various elements. Yoshifumi Kondo's drawings are very creative, so the color designs come naturally. In thar sense, I find both directors remarkable.” In order to bring out a soft tone in the overall color, they used brown carbon (the outlines are brown instead of black), and mixed original colors as well. Some of her assistants were only employe as recently as last year, and some even had no experience at all “You'll get decent results if you train the staff with a hands-on approach. They can realize their full potential once you share the essentials with them. They may not be great immediately, but they give their best. And even though they may be complaining, “This is so hard,’ I get the impression they really enjoy the work." [Janghs} Yasuda's kind and caring personality must have been crucial to the production of these ewo films, well as Nausicad of the Valley of the Wind and Castle in the Sky The suburbs of Tokyo in 1957, where Satsuki and Mei encounter Totoro, were still largely undeveloped. I interviewed the art director, Kazuo Oga (Harmageddon, The Dagger of Kamui and The Time Travelers) as he talked about his first opportunity to work with Miyazaki “When we were kids we had rivers and forests in our neighborhood, so weld catch fish or pick mushrooms. That was how we played outdoors. That was what we did for fun after school, so the world of Totoro came very naturally to me.


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